Three Can’t-Miss Sessions on Workplace Violence and School Security at ISC West 2025

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ISC West 2025 is coming up March 31 – April 4 in Las Vegas, Nevada, and the Security Industry Association (SIA) and ISC West have revealed full conference details for the SIA Education at ISC West program, including keynote presentations from top luminaries and over 115 sessions from top industry expert speakers on the most current business trends, technologies and industry developments.

Among the robust lineup of conference sessions is an all-new track on workplace violence and school security. At ISC West 2025, you’ll discover expert insights on involuntary separation, developing school security standards and more. Here are three sessions you won’t want to miss; make sure to add them to your ISC West calendar!

All Times PDT

Involuntary Separation – Breaking Up Doesn’t Have to Be Hard to Do

Tuesday, April 1, 10:00-11:00 a.m.

An involuntary separation is stressful for the employee, the people delivering the news and the coworkers affected. Unfortunately, it can often mean more than stress. In addition to the costs of replacing an employee, there are many other direct and indirect costs, and high-profile stories of disgruntled former employees causing harm or violence lend real fears to organizations. This presentation outlines key steps to prepare for a respectful involuntary separation – before, during and after the conversation. Intended to be practical, the session will provide checklists and helpful tips you can easily adapt to your workplace.

“The way an organization handles separation can mean the difference between a quiet exit or a crisis.”

– Sean A. Ahrens, CPP, CSC, CHPA, FSyl, security market group leader, Affiliated Engineers


  • Sean A. Ahrens, CPP, CSC, CHPA, FSyl, security market group leader, Affiliated Engineers

Unveiling Shadows: Navigating the Nexus of Background Checks and Insider Threats in Organizational Security

Tuesday, April 1, 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

In this dynamic era of digital landscapes, organizations face a growing challenge in safeguarding their assets from insider threats. This session delves into the critical interplay between background checks and the looming specter of insider threats within corporate environments. By examining the intricacies of personnel vetting and the evolving nature of internal risks, we uncover strategies to fortify organizational resilience and ensure a robust defense against clandestine dangers from within. Join us on a journey through the intricacies of organizational security, as we illuminate the path to a safer and more secure future.

“In an era where digital landscapes are ever evolving, the threat from within is a growing concern. This session will explore the critical role of thorough personnel vetting and the dynamic nature of internal risks. Attendees will gain invaluable insights into fortifying their organizational resilience and crafting robust defenses against hidden dangers”

– Julian Moro, senior vice president and regional security director, Americas, International SOS


  • Rich Culver, global head of safety, security and sustainability, Sony Pictures Entertainment
  • Spencer Evans, special agent in charge, Las Vegas Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • Dave Komendat, senior security advisor, International SOS
  • Tyler Hosford, security director, International SOS

Development and Implementation of the New ASIS International School Security Standard

Tuesday, April 1, 1:00-2:00 p.m.

Given such a stark increase in the number of school gun violence incidents over the last few years, the ASIS International Professional Standards Board commissioned a project to develop a school security standard. Led by a committed group of industry professionals, roughly 50 specialists from various disciplines and countries have joined forces to encompass all aspects of a comprehensive school security program, including detailed information for management guidance, physical security, behavioral threat management and emergency operations planning.  During this session, you will learn about the specifics of the standards from each team lead and how the standard can be applied to create a safe and secure environment for our children while considering the culture of each building where security enhances the learning environment.

“It has been an exceedingly long journey, but the Standard Technical Committee from ASIS International is getting closer to completion of the first American national standard for school security. Members of this group from around the globe have dedicated hundreds of hours to discussing and debating how to build a consistent and replicable standard that will enhance the safety of the school environment and be globally applicable and that all schools can meet given the vast differences in needs and resources that exist. We are very excited for the resource this will provide schools once it is published and are looking forward to providing a sneak peek at the draft content and the process that has gone into its development so far for ISC West attendees!”

– Drew Neckar, MBA, CPP, principal consultant, COSECURE Enterprise Risk Solutions


  • Guy Bliesner, school safety and security analyst, Idaho Office of School Safety and Security
  • Drew Neckar, principal consultant, COSECURE Enterprise Risk Solutions
  • Jeff Slotnick, president, Setracon

You can access the full SIA Education at ISC West conference program by registering for a SIA Education at ISC Passport. Even better, use SIA’s link to sign up for the ISC West trade show and save 20% on your conference pass!

The views and opinions expressed in guest posts and/or profiles are those of the authors or sources and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Security Industry Association (SIA).