Posts by Don Erickson, CEO, Security Industry Association
SIA Endowment Program Round 2 Submission Process Opens: Member Ideas Encouraged
Endowment Program Deadline Extended: Proposals Due No Later than Friday, May 31, 2024 The Security Industry Association (SIA) Board of Directors last year updated the association’s investment policy to establish a quasi-endowment fund. The SIA quasi-endowment fund is to serve as a long-term spending policy, derived from SIA investments, that would serve as a…
Keep Reading »A Message to Our Members
Dear SIA members, The Security Industry Association (SIA) strongly condemns the horrific acts of terror that continue to be perpetrated against innocent Israeli citizens. Our security community is bound together by the principles of safety, security, and justice and an unwavering moral commitment to oppose the senseless persecution of citizens anywhere in the world. We deeply…
Keep Reading »SIA Endowment Proposal Submission Process Opens: Member Ideas Encouraged
The Security Industry Association (SIA) Board of Directors recently updated the association’s investment policy to establish a quasi-endowment fund. SIA members and committees are encouraged to submit proposals for funding that will enhance the value of SIA. The SIA quasi-endowment fund is to serve as a long-term spending policy, derived from SIA investments, that would…
Keep Reading »Time Is Running Out to Submit a Proposal for BIRD Foundation Homeland Security Funding
Dear Security Industry Association (SIA) members, I would like to inform you of a funding opportunity of up to $1 million for innovative homeland security (HLS) solutions offered through the Israel-United States Binational Industrial Research and Development (BIRD) Foundation. The BIRD Foundation has issued a call for proposals to U.S. and Israeli companies to submit…
Keep Reading »Competition Legislation Will Boost Technological Investments and Benefit Security
SIA encourages bipartisan efforts in House and Senate to reconcile some of the significant differences between COMPETES and USICA bills. On Feb. 4, 2022, the America COMPETES Act was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives, and the Security Industry Association (SIA) is encouraged by this important step taken by the House to address global…
Keep Reading »Post Job Opportunities for Free on the FAST Jobs Board
Dear SIA members, One of the top challenges facing security companies is workforce development. To help the industry recover from the business impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Foundation for Advancing Security Talent (FAST) has announced an extension of its free job listings for Electronic Security Association (ESA) and Security Industry Association (SIA) members. ESA and SIA members will now be able…
Keep Reading »20 Years Later, SIA Remembers 9/11
As we mark the 20th year since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, our thoughts turn first of all to the nearly 3,000 people who lost their lives that day. The office workers in the World Trade Center. The U.S. Department of Defense personnel in the Pentagon. The passengers and crew on board the…
Keep Reading »SIA Board of Directors Updates Bylaws to Enhance Member Engagement
On March 23, 2021, the Security Industry Association (SIA) Board of Directors unanimously approved several amendments to the SIA Bylaws to better reflect association best practices and increase overall member engagement. Among the key approved changes, the SIA Nominations Committee will manage a formal process for SIA members to recommend individuals for consideration as potential…
Keep Reading »What’s New for Members in Early 2021
Dear SIA members, Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed the holiday season. The Security Industry Association (SIA) is kicking off 2021 with a variety of new initiatives; here are some things to look forward to this year. SIA is launching the new Identity and Biometric Technology Advisory Board (IBTAB) this month following the recent addition of Identification Technology Association…
Keep Reading »SIA Members, Learn How to Contribute to the SIA Center of Excellence
The SIA Center of Excellence is growing fast! As of today, more than 170 different pieces of content on topics ranging from active shooter mitigation practices to cybersecurity risk management are now available within the Center – and we have even more contributions we’re in the process of reviewing and posting right now! The Center…
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