SIA’s Member Communities
At SIA, we’ve created unique member communities to help advance the opportunities for veterans, young professionals and women in our industry. Our communities are close-knit groups led by passionate volunteers and we invite you to participate in these communities. Learn more about each community and sign up for the community directly on the linked community landing pages.
RISE: Today’s Rising Stars. Tomorrow’s Security Leaders.
RISE is a SIA community that fosters the careers of young professionals in the security industry, offering an annual conference (AcceleRISE), lively meet-ups at industry events and virtually, an active mentorship program, scholarships and the 25 on the RISE recognition program for emerging leaders.
Women in Security Forum
The SIA Women in Security Forum (WISF) engages all security professionals to promote, recruit and cultivate women’s leadership for a bolder presence within the industry. The community organizes an annual conference (Security LeadHER), the Power 100 recognition program, a scholarship program and networking opportunities, and many charitable programs that impact women seeking professional careers, and networking opportunities.
Veterans in Security
Newest among our communities is the SIA Veterans in Security – a community focused on the issues and concerns of veterans and active military members who are in – or are interested in joining – the security industry. Launched with a kickoff event in May 2024, the SIA Veterans community is also closely involved in efforts to attract veterans to the security industry.
Comunidad SIA LatAm
Nos complace que te unas a nuestra plataforma para América Latina. Aquí, descubrirás toda la información relevante sobre la Security Industry Association (SIA), la principal asociación para proveedores de soluciones de seguridad a nivel global con más de 1,500 empresas innovadoras y expertos en seguridad que están moldeando el futuro de la industria.
Find Other Areas to Join and Grow
Looking for a full guide to SIA’s committees, communities and working groups? You’ll find it here in our online committee guide.