DC-03-2017 | DCS SIA Format Standard
Scope and Benefits
This specification describes a standard for digital communication to be used in the alarm industry, with possible future uses in the areas of energy control and facilities monitoring and management.
A RECEIVER and TRANSMITTER designed to meet this standard must be capable of receiving and transmitting to other manufacturers' equipment. In case of incompatibility, the problem should be resolved through manufacturer to manufacturer discussions. The Digital Communications Standards Subcommittee will provide interpretations of the standard and act as an arbitration body if the problem cannot otherwise be resolved.
This communication standard is designed to be open-ended. The block format allows for a variable length on the account number and data sections of the message. The generalized message format allows for a theoretically unlimited length message in the form of multiple blocks (however, practical limits must be considered). The open-ended design will allow for almost unlimited expansion within the provisions of the standard. Requests for general revisions or additions to this standard should be submitted in writing to SIA. All requests will be forwarded to the SIA Digital Communications Standards Subcommittee for approval. Minor changes, if approved, will be issued as addendums to the current revision of the standard. Major changes or accumulations of minor changes will result in a major revision (date) of the standard. Discretion as to the extent of a change and if a major revision is necessary will be at the recommendation of the subcommittee or the subcommittee chair.
Sponsoring Subcommittee or Working Group
Intrusion Subcommittee
Year Published
Document Type
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This standard is available as a download from SIA’s web store.