Reports & Publications
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SIA Technology Insights – Spring 2019
In every issue of SIA Technology Insights, we try to look to the cutting edge (and sometimes even to the bleeding edge) of security technology, to ensure you stay current with the steady whir of technology change. This edition examines the new world of security, where everything is online, machines are learning to perform tasks and threats can come from anywhere in the world.
Keep Reading »Security Market Index: March 2019 Edition
Provided to SIA members as a review of current market conditions, the March 2019 Security Market Index shows the security industry slightly down but steady in 2019. New product introductions, product and service sales and new orders are driving overall confidence in the security industry, as optimism in those three areas keep the March index at 60, down from the 54 index reported for both January 2019 and November 2018.
Keep Reading »Security Market Index: January 2019 Edition
Provided to SIA members as a review of current market conditions, the January 2019 Security Market Index shows the security industry holding steady into 2019. General optimism about current business conditions and steady increases in new product sales, introductions and production keep the index at 65, the same as in November 2018.
Keep Reading »Industry Fundamentals: Current State, Defects, Gaps and Journey (Member-Created Resource)
SIA member company Securicon, in partnership with D6 Research, commissioned the first installment in a three-part white paper series, Industry Fundamentals: Current State, Defects, Gaps and Journey.
Keep Reading »Security Megatrends: The 2019 Vision for the Security Industry
Security Megatrends, an annual publication of the Security Industry Association, analyzes and forecasts the major trends affecting security industry businesses. The publication captures a vision of the industry’s future and distills key trends that will impact your organization in the coming year.
Keep Reading »Future of Physical Security (Member Resource)
SIA member company Microsoft, in partnership with Accenture, commissioned a white paper, Future of Physical Security: Extending Converged Digital Capabilities Across Logical & Physical Environments, based on a 2018 survey of 200 senior physical security leaders across multiple industries.
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