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SIA Technology Insights – Spring 2016
Some professionals in the electronic physical security industry – especially those who started their careers more than a few years ago – may feel a similar unfamiliarity when they look at the most technologically advanced systems today. Everything is on the network, and computers and data now have as much to do with securing a facility as cameras and card readers. The physical location cannot be secure unless the network is – and vice versa – which is why this edition of SIA Technology Insights is devoted entirely to cybersecurity.
Keep Reading »SIA Technology Insights – Fall 2015
The first half of this issue is about the power of data, and this, frankly, was not intentional. It’s just that five of the SIA members whom we asked to write articles about coming trends and technologies independently proposed pieces on “big data.” Such is the nature of the industry now that data mining has become an important security tool, and software has multiplied the effectiveness of video surveillance cameras, access control equipment and other devices.
Keep Reading »SIA Technology Insights – Spring 2015
From integration to fire protection to video surveillance to audio surveillance and more, this edition analyzes some of the leading technologies in the security space. And for those of you who work in or with schools, maritime transportation/ports, or transit systems, there are articles that focus on security challenges in those verticals.
Keep Reading »SIA Technology Insights – Winter 2014 -15
You will, for example, see multiple writers caution against taking a “one-size-fits-all” approach to security. You will also see more than one warning about the “insider threat.” And you’ll read several times about the critical need to have equipment and procedures in place to verify the identities and access needs of personnel in given locations. You will probably find a few more common threads yourself.
Keep Reading »SIA Technology Insights – Spring 2014
One of our goals for SIA Technology Insights is to provide a look ahead, to give people an idea of what they can expect from security technology in coming years.
Keep Reading »SIA Technology Insights – Winter 2013-14
We are now proud to present the second edition of SIA Technology Insights, and we have worked hard to ensure that it matches the high standards that were set by the first one. In these pages, you’ll find useful, in-depth articles on a wide range of security topics: video cameras, access control hardware, authentication methods, security solutions for small businesses, manufacturing standards compliance and central station efficiency.
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