RISE logo

Security Industry Association Welcomes New Leadership of RISE Community for Young Professionals

With several new members, the RISE Steering Committee, under the leadership of Dakota Mackie and new vice chair Kelly Ann Christensen, guides the SIA RISE community in fostering the careers of emerging security industry leaders. SILVER SPRING, Md. –  The Security Industry Association (SIA) has named new members and leadership of the steering committee for SIA RISE, a…

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TIME Call for Mentors

Foster the Future of the Security Industry by Being a TIME Mentor


Security leaders wanted! Give back to the industry and build meaningful relationships by mentoring a young security professional. Want to give back and help cultivate the next generation of security industry leaders? Don’t miss the opportunity to become a TIME mentor! The Security Industry Association (SIA) is seeking seasoned security industry professionals to serve as mentors in…

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AcceleRISE logo

AcceleRISE 2025


AcceleRISE is an exciting, innovative conference presented by the SIA RISE community for emerging security leaders. AcceleRISE is an event for young professionals and those new to the security industry that’s different from your standard conference. You’ll join other rising stars in the industry to take your career to the next level, make valuable connections…

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Congratulations, SIA RISE Scholarship Winners!

Security Industry Association Announces SIA RISE Scholarship Awardees

Twenty-four security industry professionals will receive $3,000 scholarships to be used toward continuing education, repayment of student loan debt and professional development. SILVER SPRING, Md. – The Security Industry Association (SIA) has named 24 recipients for this year’s SIA RISE Scholarship, a program offered through SIA’s RISE community, which supports the education and career development goals of young…

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company culture

Scaling Culture in Sync With Company Growth

Witnessing the growth and progression of a young company offers a unique sense of excitement. Within the walls of these startups are lists of ideas, acts of innovation and focused energy. Typically, all members involved feel a deep sense of shared purpose and understanding. The level of contribution by each employee is a powerful tool…

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