Identity & Biometrics Virtual Coffee with the FBI

September 16, 2021
SIA’s Identity and Biometric Technology Advisory Board (IBTAB) offers another opportunity for security leaders to interact and engage with federal law enforcement personnel on the frontlines of deploying biometric technologies to protect U.S. citizens. Located in Clarksburg, WV, the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division maintains one of the largest government facial recognition repositories that includes approximately 36.4 million photos used by the FBI and state and local law enforcement agencies to conduct facial recognition searches in criminal investigations. Our speaker will focus on CJIS’s use of facial recognition systems in concert with other biometric modalities to pursue investigatory leads under the FBI’s leadership.
Member Rate: $25
Non-member rate: $50
Government employees: Free
Gary Stroupe, acting assistant section chief, FBI/CJIS/Biometric Services Section
Mr. Stroupe came to the FBI’s, Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division from the private sector in 2006. Since then, he has worked exclusively in the CJIS Division’s Biometric Services Section in Clarksburg, West Virginia leading a variety of technical and operational efforts. In 2013 he was tasked as the operational lead for the transition from the FBI’s IAFIS System to the current Next Generation Identification (NGI) System. Mr. Stroupe is currently the acting Assistant Section Chief of the Biometric Services Section.